Student Belonging
The Upper Dublin School District remains committed to providing ALL students with an exceptional education, allowing them to realize success in school and beyond our K-12 walls. In order to ensure a strong sense of belonging for each and every student, we remain focused on empowering all students through the implementation of equitable practices. Click on the link below to view the District's Equity and Empowerment Plan, which is updated annually.
When we implement equitable practices and truly empower our students, we create conditions that foster belonging.
Ralph (2022) states that "Belonging is a fundamental human need. People search for a sense of connection with the people and places in their lives. Students spend a huge portion of their time during childhood and adolescence at school, which makes it essential that the learning environment cultivates a sense of belonging for students."
Students in grades 6-12 have participated in the Psychological Sense of School Membership (PSSM) survey, also known as the Belonging Survey, twice since 2021. By clicking on the link below you will be able to see the results of the PSSM from both 2021 and 2023 from both Sandy Run Middle School and Upper Dublin High School.
The District's focus on creating and sustaining conditions to ensure students develop and maintain a strong sense of belonging is ongoing. The PSSM/Belonging Survey will be administered during the 2023-2024 school year to assist the District in action planning to continually improve our schools' cultures.