
Comprehensive Plan 2028


Every three years, public school districts are mandated by the Pennsylvania Department of Education to develop a comprehensive plan, which serves as a critical roadmap for future planning and innovation for the subsequent three years. Through this process, a school district creates mission and vision statements, conducts needs assessments, outlines cohesive, long-term goals and action steps, and garners community input. The comprehensive plan positions the district to plan for the continuous improvement of leadership, teaching, and learning and to lead innovative school improvement practices.

*This page presents a full overview of the district's proposed Comprehensive Plan, which was presented to the Board of School Directors in February 2025 and will be officially voted upon in March 2025. We welcome community feedback via this link.

Mission Statement

Upper Dublin School District cultivates a safe, inclusive and inquisitive community of learners that celebrates individuality and fosters an equitable educational environment where every learner is empowered to contribute and thrive.

Vision Statement

Inspiring passionate lifelong learners through innovative experiences.

Our Values

Our Focus

Measurable Goals

Our Mission, Vision, Values, and Focus Areas will remain at the forefront of all initiatives driving the district forward. Aligned with our commitment to data-informed approaches, we have established these measurable goals to provide quantifiable demonstrations of effective plan implementation by 2028.

Planning Documents

To help highlight the most essential components of our Comprehensive Plan, we have created an Executive Summary, which details our Mission, Vision, and Values statements, our key focus areas, and the most prominent measurable outcomes in our extensive planning document. In accordance with the requirements of the Pennsylvania Department of Education, we have prepared extensive documentation of this plan and linked the complete file below.

Executive Summary

Comprehensive Plan (as issued to PDE)

Share Your Feedback

We welcome input from our school community on the final draft of the UDSD Comprehensive Plan.

The Planning Process

The Stakeholders

A comprehensive planning process benefits greatly from the engagement of diverse stakeholders. The Upper Dublin School District's Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee is comprised of faculty and staff, administrators, parents/guardians, board members, students, business partners, and community members. Feedback from our entire school district community is critical to this process. School climate surveys were administered to all faculty and staff, students, and parents/guardians in October and November 2024. The surveys aligned with the U.S. Department of Education Climate Survey from the National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments, focusing on three key areas: engagement, safety, and environment. All stakeholder were asked questions reflecting on the UDSD educational experience and their perceptions of the school environment.

The Timeline

Comprehensive planning is an extensive process that occurs over the course of one year. UDSD began its process in Spring 2024 to meet the Pennsylvania Department of Education's required submission date of March 2025. See a more detailed timeline in the boxes below.

The Experts

To help guide our comprehensive planning process, our district has welcomed Julia Skolnik, CEO and Founder of Professional Learning Partnerships (PLP). Ms. Skolnik and her team at PLP design innovative, research-based professional learning programs to transform both individual practice and educational systems. Her career as an educator, experience leading professional development programs, and expertise in cognitive neuroscience applications in learning inspire her work helping school districts hone their visions and advance their goals.

Ms. Skolnik has helped facilitate leadership and visioning workshops among the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee and Administrative Leadership Team as they collaborated to reflect on our district's strengths, opportunities for growth, and ambitions for students in the future. She lends her background in neuroscience to share research that supports our educators' goals. Ms. Skolnik is also helping to facilitate professional learning workshops to collaboratively develop our district's Portrait of a Graduate, which will outline the qualities and skills we endeavor for students to develop throughout their K-12 experience.

"I have been amazed by the energy and dedication I have seen from the Upper Dublin team members. They approach our sessions with an open mind, a readiness to innovate and grow, and a commitment to building upon the already strong legacy across UD schools."

Julia Skolnik, CEO and Founder of Professional Learning Partnerships

Portrait of a Graduate

In conjunction with the formation of our comprehensive plan, the district has begun the multi-year development of its first-ever Portrait of a Graduate. A UDSD Think Tank, comprised of educators from across the district, will collaborate to build a shared vision for the skills and qualities students will acquire throughout their K-12 journey.

working session comprehensive plan

Superintendent Dr. Laurie Smith leads breakout sessions exploring the district's future mission and vision statements.

comprehensive planning

Julia Skolnik leads a team workshop laying the foundations for developing the district's Portrait of a Graduate.

comprehensive planning

The Comprehensive Planning Steering Committee is comprised of a range of stakeholders from across the school community.

Learn More

To further explore our comprehensive planning process, view the following notes and presentations from our Steering Committee meetings:

Steering Committee Meeting - December 10, 2024

Steering Committee Meeting - November 12, 2024

Steering Committee Meeting - October 15, 2024

Steering Committee Meeting - May 6, 2024

Steering Committee Meeting - April 16, 2024