Community Announcements
The Upper Dublin School District is delighted to share announcements from local organizations with our school community. We believe that fostering connections between our schools and the broader community is vital to enriching the experiences of our students and families. Please see the guidance below and a submission form to share your announcement with the UDSD community.
Submission Guidelines
All submissions must be received by Tuesday at 4:00PM to be included in the newsletter(s) for that week. School building newsletters are currently issued weekly on either Thursdays or Fridays. News from the Nest, our districtwide publication, is issued every other week on Wednesdays.
Announcements will be shared in a newsletter one time, with additional weeks made available as space allows. Depending on the target audience, announcements will be routed to either building-level newsletters or to the Superintendent's districtwide News from the Nest at the discretion of the Communications Office.
Announcements will be posted to the UDSD Community Announcements webpage, which will remain linked in all newsletters.
Submissions should include a small square graphic (300px x 300px recommended) and 2-3 lines of text. If you wish to share additional information beyond 2-3 lines of text, please include a hyperlink to a flyer (PDF or PNG files recommended).
Events/programs to be promoted must provide value to the educational experience of Upper Dublin students. UDSD reserves the right to deny publication of announcements that do not fit our criteria or oppose the district's mission.
Who can submit:
UDSD Extracurricular Clubs
UDSD Students for Senior Culminating Projects
UDSD Booster Clubs, PTOs, and HSAs
UDSD Equity and Empowerment Subcommittee Members
Local Organizations/Community Groups
Municipal Departments of Upper Dublin Township