SRMS Guidance
Guidance Staff
Grade 6
Kathi Babin
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Grade 7
Josh Meyer
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Grade 8
Margie Scherzer
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Tona Morrow
Secretary to the Guidance Office
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215-576-3280 ext. 7020
Fax: 215-572-3886
Middle School Counseling
Promotes social, emotional, and personal growth at each stage of development
Aids in the development of decision making, problem-solving, and coping skills
Helps with transitions and changes
Assists all students to mature in understanding of themselves and others
Offers crisis intervention and remediation services
Supports students who are new to the school
The school counselors meet with individuals and small groups to address various topics.
Students can be referred by themselves or by their parents, teachers, or other staff members.
Provide support for school-related issues and concerns interfering with school progress
Hidden Disabilities
Cyber Safety and Bullying
Transition and course selection for 9th grade
School counselors work with parents, teachers, and administrators to support students
Serve as a resource
Conference with parents and staff to promote a positive learning experience
Provide information, materials, and referral assistance
Gain understanding of students through observation and regular meetings
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