About MGES

Nicolas Perez, Principal
1581 Fort Washington Avenue
Maple Glen, PA 19002
Phone: 215-643-3421
Fax: 215-540-0988
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Christine O'Connor, Executive Secretary
Phone: 215-643-3421 ext. 6000
Fax: 215-540-0988
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Jennifer Hamilton, School Counselor
215-643-3421 Ext. 3
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SCHOOL HOURS: 9:00 a.m. to 3:40 p.m.
About Maple Glen Elementary School
Located on the corner of Ft. Washington Avenue and Limekiln Pike in Maple Glen, directly across the street from the district’s administrative complex, the school opened in September 1999. The single story building is 86,000 square feet. The school, which has been the home to roughly 450 students each year since its inception, was designed to be easily expanded to accommodate an ultimate enrollment of 600 students. The school is aesthetically pleasing inside and out; with a shingled roof and landscaping that is compatible and sympathetic to its surrounding neighbors.
The interior of the school houses a full size gymnasium, library, cafetorium, computer laboratory and a networked technology infrastructure that is expandable and upgradable. The academic spaces are bright and airy. Each of the twenty five classrooms feature floor to ceiling bay windows which, in addition to providing beautiful views of the outdoors, make comfortable and inviting spaces for small group activities or just cozying up with a good book. Additional features include an art suite, equipped with a visual, wet and kiln room, band and vocal music rooms, a PTO room, health suite, guidance suite, and an expandable large group room. Smaller sized seminar rooms are utilized by the speech and language pathologist, reading specialist, and school psychologist. All rooms, classrooms included, are equipped with a telephone, making communication, internally and externally, convenient while adding an additional safety feature.
Maple Glen has several interior lobbies, including a dramatic open beamed central foyer, all of which are strategically located throughout the building and help create a shared sense of community. Several exterior courtyards serve as outdoor classrooms and help to expand learning opportunities beyond the walls of the school. The school has two developmental playgrounds designed specifically for younger and older youngsters, including those with physical challenges. All serve to make the school a beautifully functional and enchanting environment for children to learn and grow!
Parents who are new to the Maple Glen area and interested in touring the school are invited to do so. Please call the school secretary at 215.643.3421 to make arrangements.
Building a Community in the Classroom
“I do love to teach reading, writing, and math….but I have also grown to appreciate the task of helping children learn to take better care of themselves, of each other, and of their classrooms. It’s not a waste. It’s probably the most enduring thing that I teach. In a world filled with global violence and threats of environmental devastation where drugs and guns are easily available, learning to be decent and to build caring communities is hardly a waste of time.”
Curriculum: Targeting Standards
Our curriculum is centered on meeting the standards set by the state of Pennsylvania and focuses on reading, writing, math, science, technology, and social studies. Teachers use a variety of materials to instruct students including published textbook series, teacher made materials, and additional published materials. Writing samples, tests, quizzes, observations, district wide assessments, and PSSA determine student’s progress. For more information on elementary curriculum, please click here.